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(Created page with "= Official Disciplinary Process = {{Pico|PicoSays=Note: Repeat offenses may skip over the process}} Do not close ticket without explicit permission given from an officer. will result in another ticket with escalation. === Warning === You may receive a verbal or written warning. Warning will be logged. If the warning is ignored, then an offence ticket will be created. === Level 1: Minor Offense === ==== Your Rights ==== * 48 Hours of open communication via this tick...")
m (Fifthdread moved page Discipline Procedures to OLD - Discipline Procedures without leaving a redirect)
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= Official Disciplinary Process =
== *** OLD SOP merged with [[Administrative Policy]] *** ==
{{Pico|PicoSays=Note: Repeat offenses may skip over the process}}
Do not close ticket without explicit permission given from an officer. will result in another ticket with escalation.

=== Warning ===
= Purpose: =
You may receive a verbal or written warning. Warning will be logged. If the warning is ignored, then an offence ticket will be created.

=== Level 1: Minor Offense ===
* The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to establish a clear and fair set of disciplinary procedures for members of Rescue Squad One (RS1). These procedures are designed to maintain discipline, uphold the RS1 values, and ensure a positive gaming environment for all members.

==== Your Rights ====
= Responsibilities: =

* 48 Hours of open communication via this ticket. You can bring in witnesses that can have attendance verified. Voice chat is not required but in some cases, voice chats can be granted.
==== Officers and NCOs: ====

==== Possible Outcomes ====
* Uphold and enforce the RS1 rules and regulations as outlined in Org rules, SOPs, and guidelines
* Lead by example and exhibit exemplary behavior.
* Report any violations promptly to higher-ranking officers or the designated disciplinary officer.

* Timeout up to 24 hours
==== Lead Disciplinary Officer (LDO): ====
* Offense is recorded in command logs
* On your record for 2 weeks

=== Level 2: Moderate Offense ===
* Individual elected by Admirals, responsible for overseeing disciplinary matters.
* Conduct thorough investigations into reported violations.
* Recommend appropriate disciplinary actions to RS1's leadership.

==== Your Rights ====
= Disciplinary Procedures: =
48 Hours of open communication via this ticket. You can bring in witnesses that can have attendance verified. You may ask for a voice chat in addition to the ticket

==== Possible Outcomes ====
==== Reporting: ====

* Single-rank demotion
* Any member who observes or experiences a violation of the RS1 rules should promptly report it to command. This can be done through a complaint ticket, a private ticket, or through DMs if you would like some level of anonymity. Once a report is received, a minimum of three officers must reach consensus that further investigation is required. At which point in time a Lead Disciplinary Officer (LDO) will be selected by the Admirals. Any officer with direct involvement or the inability to be impartial would be removed from the consensus, the investigation, and any votes on the matter.
* Timeout up to 1 week
* Offense is recorded in command logs
* On your record for 1 month

=== Level 3: Major Offense ===
==== Investigation: ====

==== Your Rights ====
* A secondary ticket separate from the complaint ticket shall be utilized for the investigation and documentation. If the accused is the rank of Fleet Admiral and offline ticket will be utilized.
48 Hours of open communication via this ticket. You can bring in witnesses that can have attendance verified. Voice Chat is Required.
* At this time, the accused will be notified that an investigation is occurring.
* The LDO will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into the reported violation while utilizing other impartial members of command as needed.
* A minimum of thirty six hours from consensus will be required to gather and review evidence before any action is taken against the accused.
* Any officer or NCO involved will be given an opportunity to present their side of the story.
* Once the LDO is satisfied that all evidence has been gathered, they will initiate a command vote to determine what level of Discipline is required, if any. Majority rule is required to pass.

==== Possible Outcomes ====
==== Disciplinary Actions: ====
Single-rank demotion

Timeout up to 1 week
* A third ticket will be  created by the LDO to facilitate the Disciplinary Actions. This ticket will remain open to the accused for 48 hours in order for them to make their case against the charges.
* Based on the findings of the investigation and the discussion with the accused, the LDO will recommend appropriate disciplinary actions, which may include verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension of privileges, demotion, or removal from the position in accordance with our standard disciplinary system.
* A final command vote will be initiated by the LDO to confirm their recommendation.

Offense is recorded in command logs
= Appeals: =
* Anyone who receives disciplinary action has the right to appeal the decision. Appeals should be submitted in writing to RS1's leadership.
* In the event of an appeal, the evidence gathered from the initial investigation and any new evidence or testimony will be provided to the command team with the addition of three randomly chosen NCOs. The disciplinary procedure will then begin again with 36 hours to review evidence.

On your record permanently
= Record Keeping: =
* The disciplinary officer will maintain accurate and confidential records of all disciplinary actions involving any member of RS1.
* Records will be kept in the “Discipline Logs” post of “Command Logs.”
* Officer disciplinary logs will be kept at the Admiral level.

Full demotion Possible removal from Discord and RSI Org with ban length in writing
= Timeline =
* Step 1: Disciplinary Matter is brought to the attention of Command.
* Step 2: Consensus to proceed is agreed upon by a minimum of three officers and an LDO is selected.
* Step 3: A minimum of 36 hours is required for the collection and review of evidence. It is at this time that the accused is informed an investigation has begun into their actions.
* Step 4: A majority vote is required to determine what level of disciplinary action, if any, is required.
* Step 5: The LDO creates and outlines the case against the accused, with consenting officers signing their confirmation.
* Step 6: The accused is added to the ticket and case deliberations begin.
* Step 7: After 48 hours and after all arguments have been made, a final majority vote is required to confirm the level of disciplinary action to be taken against the accused.
* Step 8: The disciplinary results are logged and actions are taken against the accused.
* Step 9: In the event of an appeal, the process returns to Step 3, but will include 3 NCOs chosen at random to assist in reviewing and voting on the case.

=== Level X Offense ===
= Lightning Response =
Immediate removal from Discord and the RSI Org
* During certain exceptional circumstances, some disciplinary matters may be dealt with as “Lightning Offenses.” These special disciplinary responses are determined in the moment to be severe enough to overrule the previously explained process and typically occur in one of two scenarios. Either an offense takes place during an event where immediate action is deemed necessary to prevent further damage or escalation, or the offense is grievous enough to warrant immediate punitive action.
* Lightning responses can range from placement of an individual in quarantine until such time that the full disciplinary process can be initiated, to the most severe response of an immediate removal from the Org and ban from the discord server.
* Lightning Response’s will only be enacted by Lieutenants or above, and any occurrence will initiate a full investigation both into the actions of the accused and of the enacting officer to ensure the response was justified.

== Disciplinary Appeals. ==
= Review: =
Any member of the Org has the right to appeal the results of a Disciplinary Action brought against them, up to and including a Level X Offence. The Appeal should be initiated through a ticket submission when possible, or the DMing of a member of RS1 command if the accused has been removed from the server. An appeal can grant either overturn the disciplinary action or suspend the sentence in certain circumstances, based on the evidence and arguments provided.  
* RS1's leadership will periodically review the effectiveness of these disciplinary procedures and make any necessary updates or improvements.

The appeal should include what disciplinary action they would like addressed, why they believe the action should be addressed, and any evidence they have to support their belief. The appeal will be discussed with the entire command team, including NCOs and Officers, with the focus on whether or not the disciplinary action should be addressed, and to what extent. The vote to address the disciplinary action will be withheld to those of Officer rank and above alongside three randomly selected NCOs, however, with a majority vote required to address disciplinary actions.
= Conclusion: =
* These disciplinary procedures are essential for maintaining the integrity and positive atmosphere of Rescue Squad One. All officers and NCOs are expected to adhere to these guidelines, and any deviations will be addressed promptly and fairly.
Following the vote, regardless of the outcome, a summary of the command discussion and the results of the vote will be added to disciplinary logs for record keeping. If the disciplinary action was addressed, then the rights, ranks, and roles of the accused will be restored to the extent agreed upon in the Officer vote, as constructed by the command discussion.

Latest revision as of 20:18, 20 March 2024

*** OLD SOP merged with Administrative Policy ***


  • The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to establish a clear and fair set of disciplinary procedures for members of Rescue Squad One (RS1). These procedures are designed to maintain discipline, uphold the RS1 values, and ensure a positive gaming environment for all members.


Officers and NCOs:

  • Uphold and enforce the RS1 rules and regulations as outlined in Org rules, SOPs, and guidelines
  • Lead by example and exhibit exemplary behavior.
  • Report any violations promptly to higher-ranking officers or the designated disciplinary officer.

Lead Disciplinary Officer (LDO):

  • Individual elected by Admirals, responsible for overseeing disciplinary matters.
  • Conduct thorough investigations into reported violations.
  • Recommend appropriate disciplinary actions to RS1's leadership.

Disciplinary Procedures:


  • Any member who observes or experiences a violation of the RS1 rules should promptly report it to command. This can be done through a complaint ticket, a private ticket, or through DMs if you would like some level of anonymity. Once a report is received, a minimum of three officers must reach consensus that further investigation is required. At which point in time a Lead Disciplinary Officer (LDO) will be selected by the Admirals. Any officer with direct involvement or the inability to be impartial would be removed from the consensus, the investigation, and any votes on the matter.


  • A secondary ticket separate from the complaint ticket shall be utilized for the investigation and documentation. If the accused is the rank of Fleet Admiral and offline ticket will be utilized.
  • At this time, the accused will be notified that an investigation is occurring.
  • The LDO will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into the reported violation while utilizing other impartial members of command as needed.
  • A minimum of thirty six hours from consensus will be required to gather and review evidence before any action is taken against the accused.
  • Any officer or NCO involved will be given an opportunity to present their side of the story.
  • Once the LDO is satisfied that all evidence has been gathered, they will initiate a command vote to determine what level of Discipline is required, if any. Majority rule is required to pass.

Disciplinary Actions:

  • A third ticket will be  created by the LDO to facilitate the Disciplinary Actions. This ticket will remain open to the accused for 48 hours in order for them to make their case against the charges.
  • Based on the findings of the investigation and the discussion with the accused, the LDO will recommend appropriate disciplinary actions, which may include verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension of privileges, demotion, or removal from the position in accordance with our standard disciplinary system.
  • A final command vote will be initiated by the LDO to confirm their recommendation.


  • Anyone who receives disciplinary action has the right to appeal the decision. Appeals should be submitted in writing to RS1's leadership.
  • In the event of an appeal, the evidence gathered from the initial investigation and any new evidence or testimony will be provided to the command team with the addition of three randomly chosen NCOs. The disciplinary procedure will then begin again with 36 hours to review evidence.

Record Keeping:

  • The disciplinary officer will maintain accurate and confidential records of all disciplinary actions involving any member of RS1.
  • Records will be kept in the “Discipline Logs” post of “Command Logs.”
  • Officer disciplinary logs will be kept at the Admiral level.


  • Step 1: Disciplinary Matter is brought to the attention of Command.
  • Step 2: Consensus to proceed is agreed upon by a minimum of three officers and an LDO is selected.
  • Step 3: A minimum of 36 hours is required for the collection and review of evidence. It is at this time that the accused is informed an investigation has begun into their actions.
  • Step 4: A majority vote is required to determine what level of disciplinary action, if any, is required.
  • Step 5: The LDO creates and outlines the case against the accused, with consenting officers signing their confirmation.
  • Step 6: The accused is added to the ticket and case deliberations begin.
  • Step 7: After 48 hours and after all arguments have been made, a final majority vote is required to confirm the level of disciplinary action to be taken against the accused.
  • Step 8: The disciplinary results are logged and actions are taken against the accused.
  • Step 9: In the event of an appeal, the process returns to Step 3, but will include 3 NCOs chosen at random to assist in reviewing and voting on the case.

Lightning Response

  • During certain exceptional circumstances, some disciplinary matters may be dealt with as “Lightning Offenses.” These special disciplinary responses are determined in the moment to be severe enough to overrule the previously explained process and typically occur in one of two scenarios. Either an offense takes place during an event where immediate action is deemed necessary to prevent further damage or escalation, or the offense is grievous enough to warrant immediate punitive action.
  • Lightning responses can range from placement of an individual in quarantine until such time that the full disciplinary process can be initiated, to the most severe response of an immediate removal from the Org and ban from the discord server.
  • Lightning Response’s will only be enacted by Lieutenants or above, and any occurrence will initiate a full investigation both into the actions of the accused and of the enacting officer to ensure the response was justified.


  • RS1's leadership will periodically review the effectiveness of these disciplinary procedures and make any necessary updates or improvements.


  • These disciplinary procedures are essential for maintaining the integrity and positive atmosphere of Rescue Squad One. All officers and NCOs are expected to adhere to these guidelines, and any deviations will be addressed promptly and fairly.