A Fleet within RS1 is comprised of a collection of Battlegroups and Squads. The only current Fleet within RS1 is the First Fleet.
Battlegroups are overseen by LT or higher ranking personnel. Each Battlegroup can accommodate up to four squads. Battlegroup Leaders / Commanders serve as a resource for Squad Leaders, offering guidance and assistance as needed. They are also responsible for coordinating Battlegroup events with other units. Battlegroup Commanders hold the authority to decide whether a new squad can be established within their Battlegroup. If you meet the rank requirement of Ensign or higher and are interested in forming your own Battlegroup, kindly submit a ticket under Fleet Enrollment in First Fleet Category on Discord including the following info:
- Battlegroup Name and any associated "Theme" (if applicable).
- The initial Squad(s) that will launch the Battlegroup. This must constitute a complete squad of 12 individuals or a total of 12 members spread across two squads, all in agreement to join the new Battlegroup.
- Provide a brief description outlining the objectives and goals of your Battlegroup.
Kindly bear in mind that if there is one or more Battlegroup with a limited number of enrolled squads, a request for a new Battlegroup may not be approved. In the event of a denial, we may reach out to you at a later date when we are prepared to establish a new Battlegroup. It's important to note that any new Battlegroup must possess a distinct and independent nature, free from any affiliations with existing Battlegroup.
Guidelines for Creating a New Battlegroup by Taking Two Squads from an Existing Battlegroup
General Approach
Handle with care to maintain balance and activity. Objectives: Sustain momentum while avoiding the removal of highly active Squads. Requirements: Battlegroup Commander's consent is mandatory; minimum of 12 members in the two new Squads.
Sustain momentum while avoiding the removal of highly active Squads.
Battlegroup Commander's consent is mandatory; minimum of 12 members in the two new Squads.
- Get Battlegroup Commander's Consent
This is non-negotiable.
- Balance Assessment
Evaluate the activity levels of Squads for the new Battlegroup and Squads in the remaining Battlegroup.
- Hold a Member Meeting
Schedule this one week in advance, with as many Battlegroup members as possible. Include Command: A member of high command should be present. Important Note:
- Include Command
A member of higher-up command should be present.
Important Note: Denial is possible based on various factors.
In the context of creating a new Battlegroup by taking two Squads from an existing one, the process must be approached with great delicacy. The primary objectives are to sustain the existing Battlegroup's momentum and growth, and to prevent the removal of the most active Squads, which could lead to a decrease in activity within the original Battlegroup.
Firstly, the existing Battlegroup Leader's consent is essential and must be obtained. Secondly, an activity and balance assessment should be conducted to evaluate the Squads under consideration for the new Battlegroup. This ensures that the original Battlegroup remains robust.
Once initial steps are secured, a Battlegroup-wide meeting should be scheduled, at least a week in advance, to notify and gauge the opinions of as many members as possible. A member of RS1 Command (Lieutenant & Above) should be included in this conversation for an official standpoint.
Please note: The request may be denied based on the stability and activity of the existing Battlegroup, among other considerations.
Expected Battlegroup Activity
Battlegroup Leaders are mandated to facilitate a minimum of one organization-wide event per month. This event may be organized by either the Battlegroup Leader or the Battlegroup Assistant (PA), who fulfills the role of the second-in-command within the Battlegroup. The event format may encompass various types, including Focused, Community, or RA events, provided it is accessible to the entire organization. While Battlegroup-exclusive events, are encouraged, they are not obligatory and will not contribute towards fulfilling the monthly organization-wide event requirement. In the event that a squad falls short in executing a monthly event, a meeting between the Squad Leader and Command may be convened to conduct a thorough evaluation and strategize for the squad's future endeavors.
Squads are comprised of teams of up to 12 individuals, which includes the Squad Leader (11 members plus the Squad Leader). They are formed by players of all ranks, with a minimum rank requirement of 'Recruit' to participate. To lead a Squad, you must hold the rank of Pathfinder or higher. Squads are encouraged to have a specific focus, although this focus is not restrictive. If you're interested in creating a Squad, please submit a general ticket containing the following details:
- Squad Name and its Focus.
- Squad Types could be Ground, Air, or Battlegroup focused.
- Names of the initial 3-6 individuals who will be part of the squad. While we recommend having at least 6 members ready to form the squad, we 'can' consider requests to start with as few as 3 people.
- Provide a brief description outlining the objectives of your Squad.
- Indicate the Battlegroup under which you'd like this Squad to be placed, if applicable. Please remember to obtain the permission of the Battlegroup leader, as this is required.If you prefer not to be under a Battlegroup, that's perfectly fine as well. Your Squad (if approved) will then be categorized as 'Unlisted'."
Capital Ship Squads
Capital Ship / Multi-crew Focused Squads have unique attributes to consider
- Capital Ship Squads can have 14 members by default (for Polaris crew) - Multi-Crew Focused Crew Limits will be based on the ship they are crewing.
- Capital Ship Squads should attempt to focus on the ship's crew
Special Circumstances
If your Battlegroup or Squad has unique requirements, or you need a change in the standard rules, a ticket which discusses this requirement will be created where all Battlegroup commanders will discuss the request. If the First Fleet Commander and the Battlegroup Commanders believe your request is justified, we may allow for specific variations. One example could be having a Squad with more than the standard amount.
Enrolling into a Squad
You must be ranked as “Medic Recruit” or above to “officially” join into a squad, as well as have done at least one Academy event and a minimum of one event with the squad that you want to join. If you are interested in joining a squad, please contact the squad leader. A Squad Leader may have their own requirements before you can be recruited. Most will require time in the verse with you before you can join.
Squad Recruitment Policy
Squads are comprised of like-minded players. Being a part of a squad is a privilege and not a right. The purpose of each squad is specialized. However the needs of the Battlegroup is the bigger picture. We all interact together. Highest respect given to the Squad Leader (SL) and/or those they extend a leadership role too.
Squad Member Etiquette
All RS1 members are required to show proper etiquette. Individual squads may have more detailed requirements, however please remember that you are always representing RS1 (whether you are in a squad or not) and need to act as so. Always be polite and courteous to everyone in the verse. If there is conflict happening in world chat, DO NOT ENGAGE. If that conflict involves you, try your best to deflate the situation. If it cannot be calmed, then just stop engaging. All of RS1 base rules apply, which means no pirating (EVER) and no non-sanctioned PVP. Sanctioned PVP examples would be bounties and defending yourself if attacked.
Leaving a Squad
Deciding to leave
If you do decide to leave your current squad, then you may request (non ticket) to your squad leader to leave the squad. Squad leaders will involve the Battlegroup leader, for matters within the Battlegroup. They will be unable to rejoin any other squad/Battlegroup for 1 week (this is to avoid squad hopping). Transferring to a different squad under the same Battlegroup is permitted, with the mutual consent from the squad member and both Squad Leaders.
Disciplinary action leaving
In matters of disciplinary action the power of the SL extends only as far as deciding who remains in the squad, should they remove someone from the squad for whatever reason the PL should be informed at the first opportunity.
Expected Squad Activity
Squad Leaders (SLs) are mandated to facilitate a minimum of one organization-wide event per month. This event may be organized by either the Squad Leader or the Team Leader (TL), who fulfills the role of the second-in-command within the squad. The event format may encompass various types, including Focused, Community, or RA events, provided it is accessible to the entire organization. While squad-exclusive events, such as training sessions, are encouraged, they are not obligatory and will not contribute towards fulfilling the monthly organization-wide event requirement. In the event that a squad falls short in executing a monthly event, a meeting between the Squad Leader and Command may be convened to conduct a thorough evaluation and strategize for the squad's future endeavors.
Inactive Squads
Should a squad experience a reduction in membership to three individuals or fewer, and remain that way for 30 days or more, the squad will be disbanded. Members who were previously affiliated with the now disbanded 'inactive' squad are encouraged to consider applying for another squad, or may choose to remain unaffiliated with a specific squad designation.
Squad Poaching
If a SL feels a member’s talents/support can be utilized better in a different squad. Said SL will notify the SL of the squad in mind. A meeting to discuss the matter will be set up. Upon completion of decision. The SL may inform the squad member of the potential squad change. Please use morals and your best judgement here. You cannot poach a squad member who has been in said squad for less than 1 week. Always approach the squad leader first, BEFORE approaching or “vetting” the squad member. If the Squad member is on board with the change a formal entry shall be made within the Log. Remember the greater good of the Battlegroup.
Squad and/or Battlegroup name changing
To change the name of your Squad and/or Battlegroup:
- You must be the leader of said Squad/Battlegroup
- You must post the proposed name change change in your Squad or Battlegroup chat (whichever is more relevant) .
- All members of the squad or Battlegroup must be notified of the change prior to the name change. If you suspect that they didn't see the post, tag them individually and let them know. If they don't respond, that's ok.
- The post for the name change must be left up for at least 7 days or until all members have been informed, whichever comes first.
- If a member of the Squad/Battlegroup does not like the new name, they can leave the Squad/Battlegroup without the 7 day cool-down penalty before joining a new Squad/Battlegroup.
- Once the above requirements are met, you must then submit a general ticket with the following information: new Squad/Battlegroup name, current Squad/Battlegroup name and if you met the above requirements.
- Once command gives the final approved, your Squad/Battlegroup name will be updated in the server.
Trainee Role
If a RS1 member with a (citizen) role is interested in joining a squad or a Battlegroup in general. They will be assigned (designated Squad) trainee role. Squad trainee is also suggested to enroll in the RA. This additional support is for gameplay, RS1 values and extra learning (outside of the prospective squad) is to set the expectations of RS1 and its core values. Prospect is not “locked” into the training squad they are interested in. Their position will be held and upon graduation from academy and/or when they acquire “Medic Recruit” will be inducted into said squad.
Additional Notes
Squad Leaders, and Division Leadership as a whole, are encouraged to suggest new recruits move towards smaller squads in order to fill out Battlegroups with multiple manned squads, rather than a small number of fully staffed squads.