FPS Certification

From Rescue Squad One Wiki
Revision as of 23:11, 29 April 2024 by Mojo (talk | contribs)

Rank 1 – To make FPS 1 trainee will have to complete a consignment bunker or drug bunker solo without any assistance.

Rank 2- To make FPS 2 the trainee will have to complete a shooter room. Targets will be trainers. They will need to show fast reaction speed on friend or foe. Needs to be a minimum of 3 targets. If a trainee shoots 2 friend targets they fail. If a trainee gets in-capped they fail.

Rank 3- To make FPS 3 the trainee will have to complete a breach and clear of a ship. Ship will be in space. Needs to be a minimum of 3 targets. If a trainee shoots 1 friend, they fail. If a trainee gets in-capped, they fail.

Rank 4- To make FPS 4 the trainee will have to fight off a Beacon bait. This can be done by a team of fps 3’s. If trainee gets In-capped they fail.

Rank 5- To make FPS 5 trainees will have to be top three in 5 arena commander matches.

Rank 1 – Demonstrates basic skill sets of FPS gameplay, completing a bunker without casualties or death of civilians.

Rank 2 – The trainee will face opponents that will be in blue. The training opponents will have to wait one seconds before shooting back at the trainee (demonstrating the time delay in PVE situations). Allies will be in RS1 uniform. All targets will be armed with shotguns.

Rank 3 – The opponents will be in random armor and have no time before engaging and shooting back at the trainee. Allies will be in RS1 uniform. All targets will be armed with shotguns.

Rank 4 – The opponents will be in a bunker or ship and will have hostages contained in one spot. Looking for trainees to make smart tactical moves, demonstrating proper tactical engagements.

Rank 5 – Elite undefeated position, the best in the class remaining at the top and may be challenged by others holding Rank 4. If a 5 loses to a 4 the 4 takes the 5s spot and the 5 goes back to a 4.

You will be required to be in the proper uniform for the rank you hold for in RS1. bring any Equpment/Guns u would use in the PU.