Leadership certifications are designed to provide Rescue Squad One members with experience and trainign leading other players through a variety of situations.
These situations include environmental, NPC, and player vs player challenges. Each exam is built to test the candidate against specific circumstances.
Leadership Certification Levels
Fireteam Leader
Required: Bootcamp Graduate + FPS Cert 3 + Med 3
All ships and tools are available for this exam. The candidate must bring a team of between 3-5 additional people. The exam consists of 2-3 medically complex (Multiple T3 or worse injuries, 80%+ BDL) casualties spread around a single challenging location. The location selected by the examiner may be;
- A distribution centre
- An Orison Platform Mission
- Evict Illegal Occupants (Cave)
- Or suitable complex mission that may be launched (non basic bunker)
Success is retrieval of all casualties alive, should any team members be incapped they may be revived, Should a team member die, their body must be recovered (outside of game bugs affecting ability)
Return of all casualties, team (and bodies if appropriate) to a hospital is a pass and awards Fireteam Leader
Veteran Fireteam Leader
Required: Fireteam Leader
All ships and tools are available for this exam. The candidate must bring a team of between 3-5 additional people. The exam consists of a simulated hostage rescue from a hostile player force in an entrenched position, the hostile force will outnumber the RS1 team by up to 50%.
Success is retrieval of the hostage should any team members be incapped they may be revived, Should a team member die, their body must be recovered (outside of game bugs affecting ability)
Return of all casualties, team (and bodies if appropriate) to a hospital is a pass and awards Veteran Fireteam Leader