Fighter Pilot Certification

From Rescue Squad One Wiki
Revision as of 16:17, 4 December 2023 by Fifthdread (talk | contribs) (Adjusted and added more information on the Fighter Pilot Certification)

The Fighter Pilot Certification Program is one of many Certification Programs within Rescue Squad One designed to train specific skills. The Fighter Pilot Certification is specifically designed to identify, train, and reward the best Combat Pilots within RS1.

There are 6 Fighter Pilot Certification Levels, each with their own set of requirements and/or limits.

Badge Certification Level Cap
LVL 1 Unlimited
LVL 2 Unlimited
LVL 3 10
LVL 4 5
LVL 5 3
LVL 6 1

Fighter Pilot Levels

Fighter Pilot LVL 1

Is earned by participating in RS1 Flight 101 Course within the Rescue Academy. This LVL is often skipped, as experienced pilots can earn LVL 2 by passing the 1v1 LVL 2 Evaluation Match.

Fighter Pilot LVL 2

Is earned by participating in an evaluation match vs a LVL 5 or LVL 6 Pilot. The 1v1 match will be held with Light Fighters, and your flight skills will be evaluated.

Fighter Pilot LVL 3 And Above

Earning LVL 3 and above requires a challenge match vs someone in the rank above you. If the winner is the lower ranked pilot, they will move up a rank, and the loser will move down a rank. If the winner is the higher ranked individual, no ranks will change and they will have successfully defended their right to hold onto their certification level.

Challenge Matches

Challenge matches are required in order to rank up from LVL 2. There are a few rules for Challenge matches which must be upheld.

  • Challenge Matches are always Best of 3. Two wins are required in order to claim victory.
  • Can be held in Arena Commander or the Verse- Arena Commander preferred.
  • Light Fighters only
  • Both combatants must share their loadouts with the opponent
  • Both combatants must agree that the loadouts are fair and balanced. If the opponent does not agree upon the use of distortions for example, the pilots must respect that decision.
  • Mirror matches are preferred, but are not required
  • Any loadout is allowed unless disagreed upon by the opponent

Final Notes

There are a few edge cases which do not have rules defined, but can be regulated by the Certification Program maintainers. For example, if someone is getting excessive challenge requests, there may be a "cool-down period" put into place to encourage others to challenge different opponents. Another example is if someone is submitting too many challenge requests, a "cool-down period" may be put into effect to prevent excessive challenges.

Another scenario which will be regulated is the refusal of challenges. If someone does not ever accept a challenge, the concern is they will sit on their rank without opposition. The intent of the program is that everyone LVL 3 and above must make a strong effort to participate in the living program. If there is not an effort to accept Challenge Requests, you may risk losing your rank automatically.

The Certification Organizers reserve the right to adjust the Fighter Pilot Certification Levels as required. If members are inactive for too long, they may be subject to automatically losing their rank (Typically down to LVL 2 where there is no member cap)

Soft-Wipes may occur on a regular basis to encourage member activity within the program. Think of this like "Seasons" where you must re-earn your rank and position. This will keep the system from becoming "stuck" with many inactive members. A soft-wipe would bring everyone down to a LVL 2 certification.