OLD - Spectrum and Affiliated Org Requirements

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Revision as of 18:49, 20 March 2024 by Fifthdread (talk | contribs)

*** This SOP was rolled into the Ranks Policy ***

Spectrum Requirements for RS1

To be ranked at all in RS1 (anything above citizen), you need to be in RS1 on the Organization Spectrum and it needs to be visible at all times (never redacted).

To be ranked Pathfinder or above, you must have RS1 listed as your main Org on the Spectrum. You must also not be ranked above "base" level in any other Org. It's difficult to give a name for the "base" rank, since most Orgs will have different names and amount of ranks, so to make it a general statement, we are saying that you cannot be higher than the entry level (usually the first "ranked" level) in another Org. If you are using our Org ranks as an example, you cannot be higher than "Enlisted" in another Org.

Rank restrictions in other Orgs may not apply for Orgs with under 20 members.

Allied Orgs may also come with an exception, for more information see here: ⁠Promotion Requirements

Restrictions on Affiliated Orgs

As a ranked RS1 member (anything above citizen), you cannot be a member of any Pirate or griefer Org.

If you have an Org redacted, we may request to view it at any time. Most likely multiple times. This is usually done during routine security checks, however it can be done at random times. We check the spectrum often, to make sure there are no pirate orgs in our ranks.

Keep in mind that if you are ranked in RS1, whatever you do in the verse, you are always representing RS1, even while you are playing with another Org or even solo.