OLD - NCO Rules

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*** OLD SOP merged with Administrative Policy ***

Processing and Closing Tickets

Promotion Tickets

Promotion tickets must be left up for at least 24 hours. However the submitter of the ticket can close the ticket after the promotion is given (or not given) using the button on the command that the NCO posts. Promotion tickets should be closed by: Command, the person that opened the ticket or the NCO+ that processed the ticket.

You must wait at least 12 hours from the start of a promotion ticket before awarding the approved new rank. Once the promotion is approved the NCO processing the ticket will use the "/closerequest" command, while making sure to include a description and a close time of 12 hours from the use of the command. If the creator of the ticket doesn't use the "close" button, the ticket will automatically close 12 hours after the command was used.

Steps to Process Promotion Tickets

  1. Input intro comment for the appropriate rank.
  2. Check all qualifications (rescues, events, TIG, etc) and post voting poll.
  3. After 12 hours have passed since the ticket was opened and the poll is finished, award promotion (or denial).
  4. Post the promotion comment, congratulating them.
  5. Post in Promotion Tracker as well as Promotion Announcements.
  6. Use the "/closerequest" command, making sure to include the description/summary and the auto-close time of 12 hours.
  7. Submitter can then use the close button you posted, when they are ready.

Event Tickets

Once an event ticket is approved and on the calendar, you are welcome to use the "close command" and the applicant can then close it using the button you provided. This means that event tickets no longer have a minimum time to be open, however if the applicant does not use the provided button, then the ticket will stay open for 12 hours. The command used to force close it will close it at that time.

Rescue Medal Awards

As soon as the medal (role) is awarded, use the "close command". The applicant can then click close on your provided button. If they don't click "close", the ticket will remain open until it force closes at the 12 hour mark.

Closing tickets reminder: Remember to ALWAYS put a short description when closing tickets.

Close Command Step by Step

  1. Enter "/closerequest"
  2. Click on "reason" above and input the reason in the box provided.
  3. Click to the right on "+1 more" to show the remaining options.
  4. Click on "close_delay" above and put "12" in the box provided.
  5. Click to the right of the command entered (the blank area on the right).
  6. Click "Return" on your keyboard or the send button next to the text box and that's it!