Events Policy

From Rescue Squad One Wiki

Event Hosting & Official Status

The idea of official events is to grow and better the org.

Events need to have a measurable, meaningful benefit to the attendees. While this isn't an exhaustive list it should serve as a guide to what kind of things are expected and would be approved: Official events come in 2 flavors;

Focused Events

Focused Events are events where hard skills and tactics are improved: What would count as a Focused Event? Here are some examples:

  • Flight training where the event lead observes and gives genuine advice.
  • PVP bounty hunting.
  • FPS training against intelligent opponents.
  • 'Dry runs' of jump town with effective management of resources.
  • Long term security of GH with combat drops and resupply
  • Pico @ SPK Event

Community Events

Community Events are ones where the focus of the event is on existing game loops and improving communication, cooperation, leadership and other soft skills: What would count as a Community Event? Here are some examples:

  • Testing of new ideas or methods
  • Performing standard game loops while waiting for rescues.
  • Tournament style events where competitors stop receiving personal feedback when eliminated.
  • Bunkers & Rescues Event
  • Threats & Rescues Event

Pathfinder, Master Pathfinder’s or NCO can host up to 3 events per week, with no more than 1 of those being during the weekend of that week (Friday-Sunday). No more than 3 events can be posted in the events calendar at a time, per event commander. To be considered for approval, at least 24 hours’ notice must be given. Any number of unofficial events may run. Please make an effort to communicate between others to allow multiple people to run events. If a lead specialist wishes to run an event it will be handled on a case by case basis though as a guide a ranked sponsor will need to be in attendance. Separately there are academy events outside the scope of this SOP.

Commander of Event

The host of the event is the “commander of the event” in the event log. Up to two Commanders of Event can be tagged and get credit for running the event.

Event Hosting Approval Process

To host/run an event, you must be the rank of Lead Specialist or up. Lead Specialists require a sponsor to help with the event. A Master Pathfinder or NCO can sponsor a Lead Specialists event.

To run an official Org event you must create a ticket through ⁠ticket-center > Schedule Event; with your aims and objectives, how you intend to achieve them and expected start and end times along with if the event is intended as community event or a Focused Event. The event will be reviewed by and approved/disapproved by a Command Officer. If you are required to be sponsored by a Master Pathfinder, NCO or higher, they will supervise the event "from the back seats", they will then provide you with feedback. An event type "Focused or Community" is subject to change at the discretion of an officer.

Event Log

Official Events will be logged and recorded in the ⁠📋event-log channel as soon as possible after the event begins, in order to allow participants a place to record their attendance. The Log will be created with the Event Date, the Event Name, and the Event Commander. Attendance will be posted in a thread created off of the original log post. At the completion of the event, and after an AAR has been conducted, any AAR notes will be posted in this thread for record keeping.

AAR Instructions

AAR's, or After Action Reports, are a tool used to improve future operations and events. A quality AAR will essentially give a plain outline of what went well and what should be avoided in the future. For use here in RS1, Command will conduct full AARs for organized events such as Jumptown or certain large scale training events, while smaller, daily events are encouraged to conduct reduced AARs.

A full AAR will include the following:

  • The Plan: How the event was intended to play out, covering what was planned and the vision intended.
  • The Reality: How the event actually occurred, giving a brief overview of the event in actuality.
  • Sustains: Concepts or occurrences which were beneficial to the event and should be continued.
  • Improves: Things which can be improved upon or removed for the next operation.

A reduced AAR simply will include at least three of each:

  • Sustains
  • Improves

These AARs will be stored and posted in the Event Log for each event.