Special Uniforms

From Rescue Squad One Wiki

Special Uniforms are unique deviations from the Standard Uniform which can be used during special circumstances.

Task Force X Uniform

An optional uniform earned by being an active member of a Task Force X Squad.

Uniform Item
Taskforce X Uniform

Light Armor Set

The Light Armor Set is a Special Uniform which is not approved for Standard Operation unless the member holds Pilot 2 or higher certification. It is approved for use on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Event Leaders. For example, if an Event Host wishes, they may permit pilots to wear it. Special Uniforms can be approved for use during specific ORG Events such as Jumptown or Siege of Orison.

Undersuit ForceFlex Undersuit Black/Red
Helmet CBH-3 Helmet Red
Chest PAB-1 Core White
Arms PAB-1 Arms Red
Legs PAB-1 Legs White
Backpack Magflex Backpack Grey
Light Armor Set Light Armor Task Force X Variant

Heavy Armor Set

The Heavy Armor Set is a Special Uniform which is not approved for Standard Operation unless the member holds FPS 3 or higher. It is approved for use on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Event Leaders. For example, if an Event Host wishes, they may permit ground troops to wear it. Special Uniforms can be approved for use during specific ORG Events such as Jumptown or Siege of Orison.

Undersuit ForceFlex Undersuit Black/Red
Helmet Morozov-SH Helmet Thule
Chest Morozov-SH Core Redshift
Arms Morozov-SH Arms Redshift
Legs Morozov-SH Legs Thule
Backpack Morozov-CH Backpack Redshift
Heavy Armor Set Heavy Armor Task Force X Variant

Rescue Academy Instructor

Variant helmet for Academy Instructors

Earned by qualification as an instructor inside Rescue Academy