Below is our intelligence on Shepard's Rest, located on Bloom within Pyro.
Planet Info:
- Bloom
- Icy habitable world with breathable Oxygen-Nitrogen atmosphere.
- Featured frozen biomes and expanses of liquid saltwater in temperate zones.
- Was the center of mining operations for Pyrotechnic Amalgamated until the 26th century.
- Now home to squatters, outlaws, and former miners.
Atmospheric Conditions:
- Atmospheric pressure affects larger ships, making them slower and heavier.
- Longer nights than days due to the planet's position.
- Nighttime is pitch black, requiring radar coverage for nighttime approaches.
Orbital Station:
- Orbituary: Originally a Pyrotechnic Amalgamated fuel and resource station.
- Now operated by Rough & Ready, providing fuel, supplies, and entertainment for outlaws.
Outpost Info:
- A farming outpost under the jurisdiction of Citizens for Prosperity.