Uniform Policy

From Rescue Squad One Wiki
This policy covers the type, components and wear of our uniforms.

Use of the Rescue Squad One Uniform is critical for cohesion and coordination during operations. It is not just a suggestion, but while on RS1 business is a requirement. The uniform aids in the quick, positive identification of friendly versus foe players, and can prevent fratricide in split second decisions. Not only this, but the uniform also creates a brand for the Org that is quickly recognizable to others, outside of the organization.

"The Uniform" can be found in the Uniform Tab of the Wiki. There are multiple sets depending on the rank, role, and unit. Be sure you find the uniform applicable for you.  You may wear any uniform you fit the requirements for.

The Uniform is not mandatory during your personal play time. However, during most events or during rescues, the uniform will be required.

a. During official events uniform is required unless specific exception has been granted to the event host by command, Such exception will only be very limited in scope (such as dogfighting practice where Arena Commander is not suitable or Red vs Blue team deathmatch.)

Heavy or light uniform variations may be approved instead by command should the event warrant them.

b. For casual play, a party leader can dictate a uniform requirement, but will inform all members of the party before doing so. Players who do not want to, or refuse to, wear the uniform will be asked to leave the party and may be removed as necessary. The party leader will allow a reasonable amount of time for players to put on the uniform if necessary.

During special operations, the uniform may be altered or substituted. This will be communicated ahead of time and will only apply for that special operation.

Uniform infractions will be met with a verbal warning and request to change, followed by increased disciplinary action as necessary. Infractions can include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. Refusing to wear the uniform.

b. Wearing the wrong uniform, i.e. uniform meant for different rank.

c. Wearing the incorrect uniform, i.e. wearing the wrong backpack.

See Uniforms for specific information on the Regular Uniforms.

See Special Uniforms for information on unique uniforms.